So it's finally upon us. Valentines Day is merely hours away and all around the UK I just know there are thousands of girls, like me, feverishly applying face masks and all over body moisturisers to make sure that tomorrow we look the best possible version of ourselves. Goddess-like, if you will. But try as we may all that plucking, waxing, coating and conditioning can't help us make the biggest decision of the day...
What to wear?!
It's the worst part of getting ready for any event, I think. But once I've found that perfect outfit you can almost see my mood do a 180 degree turnaround so with that in mind I thought I'd present four options for four possible Valentines situations to help instill some inspiration in those who feel powerless in front of Cupid right now. And single girls? You're not forgotten - read on too.
Option 1 is for the quintessentially romantic thing to do - a lovely dinner in a good restaurant.
I know it's snowed today but tomorrow's supposed to be markedly warmer so why not crack out a fun, vibrant dress and throw on some killer heels. A leather biker jacket over the top stops this look being too formal and some chunky cocktail rings finish it off nicely. Since it is Valentines Day why not try out a theme clutch bag? I love this one from Lulu Guinness! Some nude makeup keeps the focus on your dress and when you're looking this good why should it be anywhere else?
Option 2 is for those lovebirds who fancy a drink and a dance more than a sit down meal:
Since it's essentially just a glorified date night I wanted to keep this look current with just a nod to the festivities. Again with the theme clutch bag - this time from Mimco; and those excellent shoes from Vivienne Westwood keep this look lightweight and fun. At the moment I'm into crop tops in a big way but I've found the trick to them if you're over...say...17(!) is never to wear them without a jacket unless on a dance floor. The jacket covering your back and sides means that only the smallest portion of flesh will flash at any one time and really that's all you need. Thick eyelashes and some cocktail earrings will set this look off brilliantly and make you the envy of any bar you enter.
Option 3 is for the girls like me - going round to their other halves to have a great, home-cooked meal, watched a DVD and partake in quite possibly too much wine:
For most, myself included, a night in with t'fella means that things aren't as sparkly as they would be if you were out in public but this doesn't mean all femininity need be forgotten only to be replaced by old jeans and a t-shirt. Staying in does not mean dressing down! H&M have just released this great stripy cotton dress. It's a keeper as it will look just as great with thick tights and high ankle boots as it will in summer with a tan and sandals. For V-day why not throw on a statement necklace and a nice coat - you never know, you might plunder the wine and end up in the local bar. (I speak from experience.) And if, like me, you're taking round some ingredients why not do it in an oh-so-topical tote bag? Ones like these are available all over the place from Tesco to Topshop.
Option 4 is for all you single girls or ladies who just want to spend it with their gals...Thought I'd forgotten about you? Oh no!
Yes, another themed clutch bag. What can I say? Cupid's got to me this year. As an established lover of jumpsuits I think they're the best way to look relaxed without bordering on slobby when having a chilled one with the girls. The current trend for hidden wedge trainers hasn't appealed to me until now - as soon as I saw them in this muted animal print they found their way to the top of my wish list. And a comfy, printed bomber keeps this look casual but current. Bright pink nails and lips will look perfect against the muted colour palette and top it all off nicely. Whether you're going round to a friends, out for a bite or a full on all-nighter is what you're seeking why not do it in something that makes you look and feel great?
So that's it - my general guide to what to wear this Valentines Day. As I said it's purely for inspiration so I haven't linked any of the pieces I've used but if you want to know where anything is from just leave a comment and I'll post the link back to you.
Happy Valentines! Have a great one, whatever you're up to.