
Candlest(u)ck On You

A few weeks ago I was browsing through my *favourite* daily email - Emerald Street - and they featured some candlesticks from Oliver Bonas that can really only be described as spectacular.

I'm not usually one for candlesticks but I put on my consumer head and asked myself the age old question I always do when I purchase anything for my home, "If I saw this in someone else's house would I want to steal it?" and with these 'sticks the answer was undeniable - those bad boys would be in my handbag before you could say 'matches.' I jest, of course, I'm not a kleptomaniac - but you get the point; if I think I would covet something  then I generally have to have it.

Neon has been popping up in interior design blogs/magazines/online image boards for a long time now but things like this can take their time to trickle onto the high street which is frustrating but makes sense in a commercial way, I guess.

There are so many exciting ways to introduce the neon trend to your home - some more permanent than others. Here are a few examples I've found floating around The Net recently that have inspired me.

What I like about this selection is that they demonstrate two levels of commitment to this trend - full commitment, and half-assed commitment. I most definitely fall in the latter of these two which is where my wonderful 'sticks come into play so beautifully.

Here they are on the OB website:

Available here

Available here

And here they are all over my house as I try and decide where they will live (for now - I'm nothing if not a fan of the 're-jig' after a few weeks of the same set-up.) At approx £16 a pop they aren't exactly a throw-away decision foray but they are a cheerful addition to come home to and have certai UK enhanced my week.

They have ended up on the mantelpiece with white candles in them but I have come up against a real issue with them. I can't use them - they have to be purely ornamental. Why?
Because there is nowhere for the hot wax to drip except onto the neon paintwork and I've a feeling that once cooled, picking the wax will destroy the paint underneath it.

So - I end with a tip. If you do buy these lovely, lovely things (and you should) be aware they are for looking at only!

Oh, and a quick garden update - it's coming along nicely.

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