Starting a new job was always going to be intense but mine is something else at times. Having spent the first 7-8 weeks between Manchester, London and Denmark it's left my life a little 'work' heavy. Which is all fine and good, since my work life often looks like this:
In Denmark to view AW13 VILA collection. |
In Denmark to view AW13 VILA collection. |
In Denmark to view AW13 VILA collection. |
Yes, we found taxidermy in our Danish head office. Taxidermy. (I'd like to point out this was after a few bubbles at an evening soiree!) |
Discovering some great places when working on the road. |
I get to spend some very happy lunch times at quirky cafes around the country when visiting customers. |
An enormous poster in Danish head office bathroom. I want this is my house. |
So with this firmly in the forefront of my mind I have been spending my weekends and some evenings now (a big step for me, for weeks it's been bed by 9pm!) with my nearest and dearest and trying to achieve that holy grail of scenarios - a work/life balance. And so far...well, I've not cracked it. But I'm trying!
So life lately has been looking like this:
Spending quality sofa time with my furbaby, Alfie. |
Enjoying a Vero Moda necklace. |
New reading glasses for work. |
Sunny breakfast made by OH last weekend. Mmm bacon. |
Last Sunday catching up on work. But while watching MIC. So not strictly working, right?! |
Making sure I'm getting the maximum rejuvenation my body needs over night. |
So I'm doing OK. But never one to be content without a full plate I am also signing up to a re-upholstery class in June(ish) that will take up 5 weekends in a row so I can then spend future weekends lazily browsing vintage fares and picking up bargain furniture safe in the knowledge that I can update it any way I like.
I've also started running again. I find it is really helping me switch off in the evenings. Have you ever tried to think about work while running? It's impossible!
So am I alone in this or does anyone else sometimes feel their life balance tipping one way? What do you do to keep the sections separate; past times? workout? cook? I'd love to hear.
Anyway, it's 9.08pm on a Sunday and I have a date with my duvet and an exciting work week ahead (see you on Wednesday, Edinburgh!) Toodles!