
En Mi Bolsa

I can hardly be accused of being someone who unpacks quickly at the end of a trip. Desperate to hang onto that holiday feeling I spend most of my first week back staring at my suitcase and working out how long it is until it's actually needed again. (Answer: depressingly long.)

And I'm no better with handbags I've used while away. My Mulberry Tillie was my most used one and when I came to empty it last night I thought of my post some time ago about handbags contents so this is a sort of part 2 of that. A holiday edition if you will.

Take a look inside...

So I like options of necklace and flat shoes if my feet get sore - what of it? The rest seems fairly self explanatory but it would appear I used the tube a fair amount. Still finding tickets in pockets and other bags even now!

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