
Lim Lust.

The Lim in question? Phillip, of course!

The item in question? The Pashli bag.

A woman can never have enough bags. (At least that's what we tell ourselves as we weep with a mix of guilt and elation while handing over our credit cards to the robot-like sales folk in Harvey Nics and the like.)

You may or may not agree with the above statement, and that's fine. But what isn't up for discussion is the beauty of this item.

I'm a real sucker for classic items with gold detailing. Brought up in a family of silver-wearers it wasn't until my late teens I discovered I actually prefer and suit gold more. My skin tone has a tendency to lean towards olive at times so I guess it just sits well with it.

Tone aside I really wouldn't care if I was purple - I need this magnificent specimen in my life.

Here's Pashli in action at various fashion weeks.

Almost wept with lust over it then.

One day...


  1. absolutely amazing bag - the design, the cut, the zipper details are totally stunning <3
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    $100 Giveaway from Boticca:

  2. Hi,
    Thanks for reading my blog. Had a look at yours and am following now :)


What do you think..?